Equitable Climate Resilience in North Carolina: Addressing Disparities in Rural Access to Federal Funding


The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) is one federal grant program that aims to support communities in reducing disaster risks and building climate resilience. However, the distribution of these grants has been inequitable, with only a small percentage of funding awarded to low-capacity rural communities. This is a significant issue as rural areas are often more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and have limited resources to address them. 

To address this problem, the recommendations focus on three key areas: (1) Enhancing local capacity through Rural Development Hubs, coordination between emergency managers, planners, and economic development officials, and collaboration with diverse stakeholders; (2) Improving state-level support through revolving loan funds, rural grant assistance programs, and utilizing academic research for evidence-based decision-making; and (3) Streamlining federal programs, prioritizing environmental justice, and promoting community-driven projects to build resilience. By implementing these recommendations, rural communities can gain more equitable access to climate resilience funding and better prepare for the challenges posed by climate change. 


Download the full report here.